Notes from the FAB meeting held on 4th March

Attending         -           Clive, Gerry, Charlie, Jo, Nigel Apologies        -           Gill, Allison, Andy 1) Fans forum Webinar Gerry to set up zoom for next week (using zoom), Fans Webinar set for March 18th Comms to go out over the next week via X, Forest programme, supporters clubs, NSC etc Gerry will…

Notes from FAB meeting held on 26 February 2024

Webinar Update - the FAB discussed the best platform to host the fans' webinar due to be held on 18th March. Gerry took some actions to discuss publicity and zoom licences with the Club. FAB recruitment - Clive had feedback from some of the official supporters' clubs. It is hoped…

UK Football Policing Unit – Europe travel report

In December 2023, PC Darren Balkham, Dedicated Football Officer (DFO) of Sussex Police, approached the Fan Advisory Board to ask if they would consult with a small number of Albion fans that had travelled to our away matches in Europe. This was to seek feedback, about their experiences travelling abroad,…

Notes from FAB meeting held on 19 February

The FAB discussed the following items on their weekly call: Recruitment - Nigel and Gerry reported back (as part of the recruitment sub committee) on working with the club on the application form and voting process. Clive was about to join a Seagulls over London meeting to discuss the new…

Disabled Supporters Association Official Launch

Bryan Martin, Guy Butters, Gill Martin and Niraj Haria discussing the launch of the DSA. Guy Butters, a former professional at the club has agreed to be an ambassador for the DSA. The FAB officially launched the new Disabled Supporter's Association (DSA) at the Everton match on Saturday 24th February…

Notes from meeting held on 12th February

The FAB discussed the meeting held with the club on 5th February and the action points arising from it. The main discussion point was upcoming elections for new FAB members. It was agreed that 2 members of the founding FAB would remain in post for a further year to assist…

Notes – Meeting 29 January 2024

The FAB discussed the following items Fan Webinar - Gerry Brown outlined his thoughts on hosting a fan webinar. He and Jo Davis have a meeting with the club on 31 January to discuss timings, publicity content etc. Items for discussion will be polled using X and NSC. A possible…

Monday January 15th Meeting Notes

FAB MEETING NOTES 15/01/24 We discussed the perceived disparity on the differing Tiers for the availability of away tickets. This is with a particular focus on those destinations with a low allocation (e.g. Luton, Bournemouth) Where ticket allocations are small (e.g. Bournemouth, Luton, or small lower league ground on 5th…

Monday 11th December meeting notes

1) 2024 FAB recruitment and the possible appointment of FAB members from supporters groups 2) Review of the presentation being made to the main Albion board next Tuesday 3) FAB / fans webinar - Gerry to push ahead, leading on this, target date January 4) Disabled Supporters Association feedback, web…

Weekly Update 4th December

A discussion was held on the feedback from the Athens game. It was felt there was a lack of BHAFC officials after the teargas incident. This is following similar feedback from the Marseille game when fans were held back with no communication. Agenda items for the second FAB meeting were…