Notes from FAB meeting held on 19 February

The FAB discussed the following items on their weekly call:

Recruitment – Nigel and Gerry reported back (as part of the recruitment sub committee) on working with the club on the application form and voting process. Clive was about to join a Seagulls over London meeting to discuss the new role on the FAB of a Supporters’ Club representative.

New Flag Update – Clive is working with a sponsor and the Club to create a new flag with input from fans. An initial meeting with a group of fans and Fat Boy Slim is being set up shortly.

Fans’ Webinar – Gerry had held a disappointing meeting with the Club last week but the FAB felt it was important to still go ahead and hold a fans’ webinar. It is important for the FAB to get fans’ feedback. Gill agreed to ask the club for some technical support with the platform and to try to find a way to move forward with this important piece of fan engagement.

DSA – Gill reported that the DSA will be officially launched at Saturday’s game against Everton. A half time interview between her, Niraj and Richie Reynolds is due to take place to explain the purpose of the DSA. Guy Butters, who has agreed to act as an ambassador for the FAB will also be interviewed. A short article will be in the programme.

WSL – Jo reported that an away coach has been booked to take fans to the last game at Arsenal. She will work with the club to publicise this first for the WSL.

Posted on: February 20, 2024