Weekly Update 20th November


We discussed the bans handed out to those who were accused of throwing beer at the Ajax away game. 

ACTION Gill to draft an email to the club on this and the action taken to date before we take a position.

The meeting discussed the wide and varied responses on the new “official” NSC thread. They basically fall in to six broad issues.

  • Complaints about away ticketing, specifically “Tickets in a Basket” and On Sale times.
  • Catering problems with access/queuing, product range, self service machines.
  • Words for GOSBTS on the screen.
  • Transport to and from the ground – club awareness, lack of comms.
  • Covered Walkways.
  • Toilets / Handwashing facilities.

Response from the club regarding Tickets in a Basket issue:

We have been looking at a better solution and from Tuesday’s on sale onwards we will be operating a queueing system before each on sale.  This will effectively mean every fan holding seats will be removed from the tickets site, they must then enter a queue and only allowed to enter the site once the on sale opens.  The change will be that 30 minutes before an on sale window the sales for games will effectively close whilst everyone is removed from the site and then have to queue to get in for the next on sale window.

We have to schedule these with a third party so it’s not entirely within our control but we think it’s the fairest and best route moving forwards.

ACTION  Catering sub group to raise these issues again at the next Catering Working Group meeting.

ACTION  Clive will draft an email to the Club/Sodexo on the specific points regarding Access / Health & Safety concerns especially in the ESU and WSU where crowds around the TV causes additional congestion.

ACTION  GOSBTS words to be referred to the next Matchday Experience working group.

ACTION  Travel 1  We will ask if the Transport Manager (Meg Morris) would walk the floor to feel the fan experience on a matchday, i.e. take P&R one week, trains another, buses another.

ACTION  Travel 2  FAB to suggest asking for volunteers to share their travel experience. Ask, via NorthStandChat, Twitter and any other comms channel for fans to record their journey to a future match.

ACTION  reiterate again why the club will not build covered walkways.

ACTION  ask who is responsible for toilets and wonder if anything can be done to improve situation -m revisited the proportion M/F ?

ACTION  Nigel to circulate the 2024 draft FAB recruitment document for FAB discussion.

ACTION  Clive to manage the FAB inbox for the next week

ACTION  Nigel to update the FAB website with these notes

ACTION  Nigel to update NSC FAB thread with these notes

Posted on: November 21, 2023