Notes from the FAB meeting 8th April

Notes from FAB zoom meeting Monday 8th April

FAB Attending : Gill, Gerry, Andy, Jo, Niraj, Nigel, Gill, Charlie, and Clive.

Apologies – Allison

New FAB Recruitment

We discussed the shortlist of 29 candidates which has been sent to the club.

The club have asked when we want to interview the candidates? They’ve suggested 15th or 19th but we’ve gone back and asked what time of day they are thinking?

We understand the club are thinking zoom/teams meetings. We would like to organise a F2F option, whilst recognising this might be a barrier to attending and also that the majority of our meetings are held online.

We have all current FAB members available on 15th if the sessions are going to be on Team/Zoom.

We have a FAB Amex meeting on 18th.   Could we also offer  F2F sessions between  2-4 and a 6-8?

FAB noted that April 19th is a WSL home match at the Amex, so perhaps not ideal for candidates or FAB members.

We note there has been no interest in the idea of co-opting a rep from all the supporters clubs, so we wonder whether another member should be included in the voting.

ACTION NS to communicate all these points to the club DONE email 8/4/24

Long List My Albion + International sub group

The idea is to capture all the MyA+Int names on the long list and potentially set up a sub group that the FAB can call on for input from next season.

ACTION  FAB volunteer to gather this information tbc

Long List Disability contacts

The idea is for someone to look through the long list and capture the contact details of everyone who has mentioned disability or access issues and ensure that they have joined the DSA.

ACTION  FAB volunteer to gather this information tbc

FAB webinar notes List Disability contacts

ACTION  Nigel to circulate Webinar Report submitted by BHASC member and webinar attendee Roger Newman, for the BHASC newsletter. DONE

ACTION  Clive to follow up two action points (GF beer and Internet coverage) from the webinar with emails to the club.

FAB meeting dates 24/25

Club have asked for dates for FAB meetings in August, December and March.

We suggest these dates will be better September, January and April  

ACTION Gill to suggest the dates to the club.

Thursday 11th Fanzone meeting

FAB members attending to report to North reception for meeting in the Final Whistle meeting room at 4pm

18th April FAB meeting in the Sky room

We have five questions for Zoe Johnson, Managing Director Women & Girls

  1. What is the strategy and how can we support?
  2. What are their plans for Fan engagement
  3. Question regarding Budgets
  4. WSL access for disabled fans
  5. What is Michelle Walder’s role as a board member?

ACTION Gill to communicate these questions to the club for 18 April meeting

Working groups

What is the ongoing programme for the working groups?

Can we schedule regular meetings for each working group in the coming season?

ACTION Gill to request these dates to the club

Full Board meeting 16th April

This meeting has been postponed multiple times at various locations and has now been rescheduled as a zoom/Teams meeting. The FAB have discussed this and turned this down in favour of a full face to face board meeting. We feel this is important as it was in the original brief to have one such meeting per year, and is something important for future years to meet the full board in person.

ACTION Gill/Clive to confirm the view of the whole FAB on this.

Posted on: April 8, 2024