Notes from the FAB meeting 15th April

FAB Attending : Gill, Gerry, Andy, Jo, Niraj, Nigel, Gill, Charlie, and Clive.

Apologies – Allison

Actions from previous meeting

ACTION Nigel to circulate Webinar Report DONE

ACTION NS to communicate shortlist to the club DONE

ACTION FAB volunteer to gather International contacts for sub group from FAB applications ANDY

ACTION FAB volunteer to gather disabled/access issues contacts from FAB applications NIRAJ

ACTION Clive to follow up Webinar action points  DONE
ACTION Gill to suggest next season FAB meeting dates to the club. OUTSTANDING

ACTION Gill to request dates for future working party meetings to the club. OUTSTANDING

ACTION Gill/Clive to confirm FAB view on zoom Board meeting DONE.

New FAB Recruitment

We discussed the interviewing process and how we will mark the candidates.

The object of the exercise is for us to prepare a list of candidates to the club for them to put on the ballot..

ACTION NS to tidy up the scoring matrix and send it to the FAB DONE

Thursday 11th Fanzone meeting

The meeting was interesting. Russ at the club seemed to really appreciate the consultation.

The capacity for the new fanzone is set at 1000. The capacity will be largerwhen the doors are left open. There will be TV walls. Discussion over the sound, whether to have music or football commentary?.

There are plans to relocate the museum and improve accessibility.

When Dick’s Bar closes, what will happen to the large mural, the large poem Goldstone Ghosts, the picture of Dick Knight and the other special wall decorations ? They have plans to safeguard these and relocate elsewhere in the stadium.

ACTION Charlie to write up some notes from the meeting and load them on the FAB website.

Full Board meeting 16th April

The board meeting is to be held online after all. JG/SG have asked for the presentation and prep notes. It seems that the FAB input is being micro managed as if the board must know in advance what Gill and Clive will be saying.

ACTION Gill/Clive to produce some notes from their meeting and upload them on the FAB website.

FAB meeting 5.00-6.30 18th April

As the meeting is primarily about WSL with Zoe Johnson attending, Jo Davies to take the lead

ACTION Clive to take the notes at the FAB meeting.

Posted on: April 15, 2024