Weekly Update 13th November
The meeting spent most of the time discussing the “Pathway Report November 2023” which lays out the steps towards founding the Seagulls DSA (Disabled Supporters Association. Thre DSA is planned to launch in March 2024.
Gill was absent from the meeting as she was attending a meeting at Tottenham Hotspur Stadium with Level Playing Fields organisation.
ACTION Gill to report back on this meeting to the FAB
The meeting discussed the draft introductory post for the new NSC thread. We also need to agree who will post the initial thread.
ACTION ALL to comment on the draft with a view to agreeing a final version to post on NSC by next Monday.
ACTION Jo to manage the FAB inbox for the next week
ACTION ALL to take a look at the council planning website to review the Fanzone plans: BH2023/02872 | Removal of temporary kiosks, relocation of cycle parking and erection of a fan zone/event space (Sui Generis) comprising a two storey structure with mezzanine providing food, drink, retail kiosk, toilet facilities and associated storage. | Land Adjacent To American Express Stadium Village Way Brighton BN1 9BL (brighton-hove.gov.uk)
ACTION Nigel to update the FAB website with these notes
ACTION Nigel to update NSC FAB thread with these notes
ACTION Jo to meet with Zoe Johnson tomorrow at 12.00 on TEAMS with either Clive or Nigel tbc
Posted on: November 13, 2023